Little Hero is Big on Courage Throughout Hospitalization

In late January, Mila developed a cold that turned severe very quickly. She was admitted to the ER. She’s never been in a hospital, and this was Mila’s first experience with needles, medicines and everything there. After a CT scan, it was determined she needed a chest tube emergency surgery with a cleanup treatment of the lung. She came out swinging with a fiery “I can do this attitude.” Then we learned her pneumonia was necrosis, and her tissue and infection made her chest tube unusable.

Mila had to undergo a second surgery which included a clean-out of the infection and a second chest tube placement. She also had a hole in her lung which will only repair with time. Mila underwent two major surgeries in one week. She also endured a month being away from home, IV treatments, blood cultures and countless x-rays. “Mila is resilient and strong, the most heroic young girl I know,” said her mom.KidsWish Network acknowledged courageous Mila as a Hero of the Month.


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