Heroes Nurture Mom with Compassion and Encouragement Throughout Cancer Journey

Family life has been very different for Carmen and Rico after their mom’s cancer diagnosis that required chemo, radiation and surgery out-of-state.  As their mom transitions through each step of treatment, the siblings have been very compassionate, supportive and encouraging. They also bring her much joy with laughter and hugs. With all of the new challenges, Carmen and Rico have been understanding in coping with changes in routine and life as they once knew it.

Carmen is active in many activities, his favorite is community theater. He loves people, learning and reading. He’s kind-hearted, and loves to make people laugh.  

Rico is outgoing and active in lots of activities; he especially enjoys sports. Rico is also very kind and thoughtful about others, and loves serving people.

It’s been a hard year, and the reality of life’s unfairness has been introduced to the boys’ lives. Carmen and Rico were nominated as Heroes by Social Worker Katelyn Armstrong at the Bozeman Health Cancer Center. Kids Wish Network honored and rewarded the siblings with special Hero gift packages that included generous retail gift cards for Carmen and Rico. “Wow, what a surprise!” said their mom. “Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. This blew them away and us too!”


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