Little Hero is Big on Strength, Determination, and Inspiration

Taelor came to our home at 11 days old. She was born with amniotic band syndrome, leaving her with one finger on her left hand and three on the righthand. She had a clubbed foot, and is missing toes on both feet. So far, she’s had two surgeries to the band on her leg and hand, and just two months ago had a toe separation surgery. She was also scheduled to see a hand surgeon to see if he can do anything to make her right hand more functional. Through all of the surgeries, appointments, and therapy, Taelor moves through each day working so hard to do things that are common everyday actions for her twin and us.

She is a happy, cheerful, strong little girl. She is not a quitter, and is determined to accomplish anything ahead of her, and to keep up with her twin sister.“Taelor is such a bright light and joy,” said her mom who nominated her courageous inspiration, also making her strive to be her best self. Kids Wish Network is so pleased to award Taelor as a Hero of the Month.


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